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A Y ;y9 i)  I U+u5  e% E ] S}= m-  M S#s3  c# C [ C{; k+  K W@3w7 g' G  _ c? o/ O A@!  @a`10  @     &3>R_ @ @ @v7_dcache_inval_rangefpga_dev_infofpga_addfpga_loadfpga_dumpfpga_infoaltera_loadaltera_loadaltera_dumpaltera_dumpaltera_infoadd_one_partitiondwc_otg_flush_tx_fifodwc_otg_flush_rx_fifodwc_otg_core_host_initdwc_otg_core_resetext4fs_devreadeth_get_dev_by_nameERROR: %s - start address is not aligned - 0x%08x ERROR: %s - stop address is not aligned - 0x%08x Info: SDRAM ECC SBE @ 0x%08x sdram_ecc_sbeError: SDRAM ECC DBE occurred sbecount = %lu erraddr = %08x dropcount = %08x dropaddr = %08x SDRAM: Scrubbing 0x%08x - 0x%08x ERROR - DMA setup failed ERROR - DMA start failed ERROR - DMA finish failed SDRAM: Scrubbing success with %d ms ERROR - DMA setup 0 failed ERROR - DMA start 0 failed ERROR - DMA setup 1 failed ERROR - DMA start 1 failed ERROR - DMA 0 finish failed ERROR - DMA 1 finish failed SDRAM: Scrubbing success with consuming additional %d ms Iteration %0d:, expect 0x%08x from address 0x%08x, read 0x%08x insteadSDRAM: Running EMIF Diagnostic Test ...Passed CLOCK: EOSC1 clock %d KHz CLOCK: EOSC2 clock %d KHz CLOCK: F2S_SDR_REF clock %d KHz CLOCK: F2S_PER_REF clock %d KHz CLOCK: MPU clock %ld MHz CLOCK: DDR clock %ld MHz CLOCK: UART clock %ld KHz CLOCK: MMC clock %ld KHz CLOCK: QSPI clock %ld KHz CPU : Altera SOCFPGA Platform fpgaintf0x%08xfpgaintf_handofffpga2sdramfpga2sdram_handofffpga2sdram_applyaxibridgeaxibridge_handoffl3remapl3remap_handoffbridge_enable_handoffmw $fpgaintf ${fpgaintf_handoff}; go $fpga2sdram_apply; mw $fpga2sdram ${fpga2sdram_handoff}; mw $axibridge ${axibridge_handoff}; mw $l3remap ${l3remap_handoff} bridge_disablemw $fpgaintf 0; mw $fpga2sdram 0; go $fpga2sdram_apply; mw $axibridge 0; mw $l3remap 0x1 I2C: %s baudrateMMC: loadaddrNet: ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ### fdtcontroladdrDRAM: machidUsing machid 0x%lx from environment Starting kernel ... FDT creation failed! hanging...FDT and ATAGS support not compiled in - hanging Bad Linux ARM zImage magic! Resetting CPU ... pc : [<%08lx>] lr : [<%08lx>] sp : %08lx ip : %08lx fp : %08lx r10: %08lx r9 : %08lx r8 : %08lx r7 : %08lx r6 : %08lx r5 : %08lx r4 : %08lx r3 : %08lx r2 : %08lx r1 : %08lx r0 : %08lx Flags: %c%c%c%c IRQs %s FIQs %s Mode %s%s undefined instruction software interrupt prefetch abort data abort MAYBE you should read doc/README.arm-unaligned-accesses not used fast interrupt request USER_26FIQ_26IRQ_26SVC_26UK4_26UK5_26UK6_26UK7_26UK8_26UK9_26UK10_26UK11_26UK12_26UK13_26UK14_26UK15_26USER_32FIQ_32IRQ_32SVC_32UK4_32UK5_32UK6_32ABT_32UK8_32UK9_32UK10_32UND_32UK12_32UK13_32UK14_32SYS_32resetting ... WARNING: Caches not enabled %-12s= 0x%08lX (not set)arch_numberboot_paramsDRAM bank-> start-> sizeethaddr%-12s= %s ipaddrip_addr = %s baudrate = %u bps TLB addrrelocaddrreloc offirq_spsp start FB base bdinfoprint Board Info structure## Starting application at 0x%08lX ... ## Application terminated, rc = 0x%lX resetPerform RESET of the CPUgostart application at address 'addr'addr [arg ...] - start application at address 'addr' passing 'arg' as arguments ## Checking Image at %08lx ... Legacy image found Bad Magic Number Bad Header Checksum Verifying Checksum ... Bad Data CRC OK Unknown image format! bootcmd## Transferring control to OSE (at address %08lx) ... ## Transferring control to RTEMS (at address %08lx) ... bootargs## Transferring control to NetBSD stage-2 loader (at address %08lx) ... XIP %s ... Loading %s ... Uncompressing %s ... GUNZIP: uncompress, out-of-mem or overwrite error - must RESET board to recover Unimplemented compression type %d verify## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at %08lx ... Unsupported Architecture 0x%x Wrong Image Type for %s command Wrong Image Format for %s command ERROR: can't get kernel image! ERROR: unknown image format type! Could not find kernel entry point! Ramdisk image is corrupt or invalid Could not find a valid device tree Trying to execute a command out of order %lxinitrd_startinitrd_endcmdline subcommand not supported bdt subcommand not supported prep subcommand not supported WARNING: legacy format multi component image overwritten ERROR: new format image overwritten - must RESET the board to recover autostartno%lXfilesizeERROR: booting os '%s' (%d) is not supported yesAutomatic boot of image at addr 0x%08lX ... Your platform's zImage format isn't supported yet! bootzboot Linux zImage image from memoryiminfoprint header information for application imageaddr [addr ...] - print header information for application image starting at address 'addr' in memory; this includes verification of the image contents (magic number, header and payload checksums)bootdboot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'bootmboot application image from memoryloadosramdiskcmdlinebdtprepList of available devices: %-8s %08x %c%c%c coninfoprint console devices and information Loading from %s device %d, partition %d: Name: %.32s Type: %.32s ** Read error on %d:%d ** Bad Header Checksum ** ** Unknown image type \cecho args to console[args..] - echo args to console; \c suppresses newlineexitexit scriptext2loadload binary file from a Ext2 filesystem [addr] [filename] [bytes] - load binary file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface' to address 'addr' from ext2 filesystem. All numeric parameters are assumed to be hex.ext2lslist files in a directory (default /) [directory] - list files from 'dev' on 'interface' in a 'directory'usage: fatinfo [] ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatinfo ** ** Unable to use %s %d:%d for fatwrite ** ** Unable to write "%s" from %s %d:%d ** %ld bytes written fatwritewrite file into a dos filesystem - write file 'filename' from the address 'addr' in RAM to 'dev' on 'interface'fatinfoprint information about filesystem [] - print information about filesystem from 'dev' on 'interface'fatls [] [directory] - list files from 'dev' on 'interface' in a 'directory'fatloadload binary file from a dos filesystem [] [bytes [pos]] - Load binary file 'filename' from 'dev' on 'interface' to address 'addr' from dos filesystem. 'pos' gives the file position to start loading from. If 'pos' is omitted, 0 is used. 'pos' requires 'bytes'. 'bytes' gives the size to load. If 'bytes' is 0 or omitted, the load stops on end of file. All numeric parameters are assumed to be hex.The address of the fdt is invalid (NULL). libfdt fdt_check_header(): %s - too old, fdt %d < %d - too new, fdt %d > %d", "* 0x%p [0x%08x]<0x%08x%s[%02x%sfdtaddr/* NULL pointer error */The address of the fdt is %p New length %d < existing length %d, ignoring. libfdt fdt_open_into(): %s No FDT memory address configured. Please configure the FDT address via "fdt addr
" command. Aborting! moNew length 0x%X < existing length 0x%X, aborting. libfdt fdt_path_offset() returned %s libfdt fdt_add_subnode(): %s Sorry, I could not convert "%s" Unexpected character '%c' libfdt fdt_setprop(): %s libfdt node not found 0x%08Xerror: unprintable value 0x%plibfdt fdt_getprop(): %s %s%s { Nested too deep, aborting. %s}; %s%s; %s%s = %s/* NOP */ Unknown tag 0x%08X libfdt fdt_delprop(): %s libfdt fdt_del_node(): %s magic: 0x%x totalsize: 0x%x (%d) off_dt_struct: 0x%x off_dt_strings: 0x%x off_mem_rsvmap: 0x%x version: %d last_comp_version: %d boot_cpuid_phys: 0x%x size_dt_strings: 0x%x size_dt_struct: 0x%x number mem_rsv: 0x%x boorsindex start size ------------------------------------------------ libfdt fdt_get_mem_rsv(): %s %x %08x%08x %08x%08x libfdt fdt_add_mem_rsv(): %s libfdt fdt_del_mem_rsv(): %s flattened device tree utility commandsfpgafpgadatafpgadatasizeloadbloadmkdumpFPGA device not specified Wrong parameters for FPGA request Bitstream support only for Xilinx devices Unknown operation Unknown fpga operation "%s" loadable FPGA image support[operation type] [device number] [image address] [image size] fpga operations: dump [dev] Load device to memory buffer info [dev] list known device information load [dev] [address] [size] Load device from memory buffer loadb [dev] [address] [size] Load device from bitstream buffer (Xilinx only) loadmk [dev] [address] Load device generated with mkimagealias for 'help'helpprint command description/usage - print brief description of all commands help command ... - print detailed usage of 'command'Error writing the chip. Error reading the chip. Valid chip addresses: %02X%04x: %02xCRC32 for %08lx ... %08lx ==> Error writing to the chip. %08lx: Error reading the chip, %02lx %04lx %08lx ? Current bus speed=%d Setting bus speed to %d Hz Failure changing bus speed (%d) i2cI2C sub-systemcrc32loopmmmwnmprobereadUnknown operator '%s' Invalid data width specifier itestreturn true/false on integer compare[.b, .w, .l, .s] [*]value1 [*]value2-lt-gt-eq==-ne!=<>-ge>=-le<=## Total Size = 0x%08x = %d Bytes %X ## First Load Addr = 0x%08lX ## Last Load Addr = 0x%08lX ## Total Size = 0x%08lX = %ld Bytes loads_echo## Ready for S-Record download ... ## S-Record download aborted ## Start Addr = 0x%08lX ## Switch baudrate to %d bps and press ENTER ... loady## Ready for binary (ymodem) download to 0x%08lX at %d bps... ## Ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x%08lX at %d bps... ## Binary (kermit) download aborted ## Switch baudrate to %d bps and press ESC ... load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)[ off ] [ baud ] - load binary file over serial line with offset 'off' and baudrate 'baud'load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)loadsload S-Record file over serial line[ off ] - load S-Record file over serial line with offset 'off'Reading from bus %s PHY at address %d: %d.%d - 0x%x mdioMDIO utility commandslist - List MDIO buses mdio read [.] - read PHY's register at . mdio write [.] - write PHY's register at . may be: , and may be ranges, e.g. 1-5.4-0x1f. -vCRC32 for %08lx ... %08lx ==> %08lx CRC32 for %08lx ... %08lx ==> %08lx != %08lx ** ERROR ** Base Address: 0x%08lx Zero length ??? bytehalfword%s at 0x%08lx (%#0*lx) != %s at 0x%08lx (%#0*lx) Total of %ld %s(s) were the same Tested %d iteration(s) with %lu errors. Pattern %08lX Writing...%12sReading... Mem error @ 0x%08X: found %08lX, expected %08lX %08x %04xmtestsimple RAM read/write test[start [end [pattern [iterations]]]]infinite loop on address range[.b, .w, .l] address number_of_objectsbaseprint or set address offset - print address offset for memory commands base off - set address offset for memory commands to 'off'checksum calculationaddress count [addr] - compute CRC32 checksum [save at addr] -v address count crc - verify crc of memory areacmpmemory compare[.b, .w, .l] addr1 addr2 countmemory copy[.b, .w, .l] source target countmemory write (fill)[.b, .w, .l] address value [count]memory modify (constant address)[.b, .w, .l] addressmemory modify (auto-incrementing address)memory display[.b, .w, .l] address [# of objects]FDXHDX100fullhalfIEEE 802.3???IEEE 802.9 ISLAN-16TPHY 0x%02X: OUI = 0x%04X, Model = 0x%02X, Rev = 0x%02X, %3dbase%s, %s Error reading from the PHY addr=%02x reg=%02x addr=%02x reg=%02x data=%04X Error writing to the PHY addr=%02x reg=%02x duThe MII dump command only formats the standard MII registers, 0-5. %u. (%04hx) -- %s -- (%04hx:%04hx) %u.%2u,%2u = b%u%u speed selection = %s Mbps%2u = %5u duplex = %s%2u-%2u = %5u selector = %s%2u-%2u = %u selector = %s%2u %2u-%2u = %5u %smiiMII utility commandsdevice - list available devices mii device - set current device mii info - display MII PHY info mii read - read MII PHY register mii write - write MII PHY register mii dump - pretty-print (0-5 only) Addr and/or reg may be ranges, e.g. 2-7.next page ableacknowledgeremote fault(reserved)asymmetric pause able100BASE-T4 able100BASE-X full duplex able100BASE-TX able10BASE-T full duplex able10BASE-T ablexxx to doreservedasymmetric pausepause enable100BASE-TX full duplex able10BASE-T full duplex able10BASE-T ableOUI portionmanufacturer part numbermanufacturer rev. number100BASE-X full duplex able100BASE-X half duplex able10 Mbps full duplex able10 Mbps half duplex able100BASE-T2 full duplex able100BASE-T2 half duplex ableextended statusMF preamble suppressionA/N completeA/N ablelink statusjabber detectextended capabilitiesloopbackspeed selectionA/N enablepower-downisolaterestart A/Ncollision test enablePHY control registerPHY status registerPHY ID 1 registerPHY ID 2 registerAutonegotiation advertisement registerAutonegotiation partner abilities registersleepdelay execution for some timeN - delay execution for N seconds (N is _decimal_ !!!)ERROROKNo MMC device available rescanno mmc device at slot %x get mmc type error! listdev#part_num shouldn't be larger than %d Card doesn't support part_switch switch to partions #%d, %s mmc%d is current device mmc%d(part %d) is current device erase MMC %s: dev # %d, block # %d, count %d ... %d blocks %s: %s YesNoDevice: %s Manufacturer ID: %x OEM: %x Name: %c%c%c%c%c Tran Speed: %d Rd Block Len: %d %s version %d.%d High Capacity: %s Capacity: Bus Width: %d-bit mmcMMC sub systemread addr blk# cnt mmc write addr blk# cnt mmc erase blk# cnt mmc rescan mmc part - lists available partition on current mmc device mmc dev [dev] [part] - show or set current mmc device [partition] mmc list - lists available devicesmmcinfodisplay MMC info- display info of the current MMC devicenoronenandinvalid partition number %d for device %s%d (%s) %ug%um%uk%umtddevnummtddevname%s%d,%dcannot add second partition at offset 0 mtdparts=mtdparts%s%dDevice %s not found! %s: offset %08x beyond flash size %08x %s%d: partition (%s) size too big %s: partitioning exceeds flash size %s%d: partition (%s) start offsetalignment incorrect %s%d: partition (%s) size alignment incorrect %s%d: partition (%s) start offset alignment incorrect partition size too small (%lx) no closing ) found in partition name empty partition name rono partitions allowed after a fill-up partition unexpected character '%c' at the end of partition out of memory 0x%08lx@0x%08lxno partitions for device %s%d (%s) unexpected character '%c' at the end of device invalid mtd device '%.*s' incorrect device type in %s incorrect device number in %s no partition number specified unexpected trailing character '%c' no such device %s%d no such partition mtdidsmtdids not defined, no default present mtdids too long (> %d) mtdparts variable not set, see 'help mtdparts' mtdparts too long (> %d) mtdids: incorrect mtdids: no identifier device id %s%d redefined, please correct mtdids variable could not initialise device list mtdparts variable doesn't start with 'mtdparts=' device %s%d redefined, please correct mtdparts variable mtdparts_init: no valid partitions no partition id specified partition changed to %s%d,%d defaultdelall device %s%d <%s>, # parts = %d #: name size offset mask_flags %2d: %-20s0x%08x 0x%08x %d no partitions defined active partition: %s%d,%d - (%s) 0x%08x @ 0x%08x could not get current partition info defaults: mtdids : %s nonemtdparts: addtoo long partition description %s:%s(%s)%sgenerated mtdparts too long, reseting to null delcurrent partition deleted, resetting current to 0 partition %s not found no such device %s defined in mtdids variable define flash/nand partitionschpartchange active partitionpart-id - change active partition (e.g. part-id = nand0,1)gatewayipnetmaskhostnamerootpathserveripdnsipdomainping failed; host %s is not alive host %s is alive pingsend ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hostpingAddressnfsboot image via network using NFS protocol[loadAddress] [[hostIPaddr:]bootfilename]dhcpboot image via network using DHCP/TFTP protocoltftpbootboot image via network using TFTP protocolbootpboot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocolSaving Environment to %s... %s=%s Environment size: %d/%ld bytes ## Error: "%s" not defined ## Warning: defaulting to text format ## Info: input data size = %zu = 0x%zX ## Error: bad CRC, import failed ERROR: Environment import failed: errno = %d at %s:%d/%s() cmd_nvedit.c## %s: only one of "-b", "-c" or "-t" allowed ## Warning: Input data exceeds %d bytes - truncated ## Resetting to default environment ## Error: illegal character '='in variable name "%s" ## Can't malloc %d bytes ## Error inserting "%s" variable, errno=%d setenvERROR: Cannot export environment: errno = %d at %s:%d/%s() %zXenv_buf [%d bytes] too small for value of "%s" edit: runrun commands in an environment variablevar [...] - run the commands in the environment variable(s) 'var'set environment variables[-f] name value ... - [forcibly] set environment variable 'name' to 'value ...' setenv [-f] name - [forcibly] delete environment variable 'name'printenvprint environment variables[-a] - print [all] values of all environment variables printenv name ... - print value of environment variable 'name'editenvedit environment variablename - edit environment variable 'name'environment handling commandsdeleteeditexportimportprintsavesaveenvsave environment variables to persistent storageinvalid op setexprset environment variable as the result of eval expression[.b, .w, .l] name [*]value1 [*]value2 - set environment variable 'name' to the result of the evaluated express specified by . can be &, |, ^, +, -, *, /, % size argument is only meaningful if value1 and/or value2 are memory addresses (*) setexpr[.b, .w, .l] name *value - load a memory address into a variablemallocFailed to initialize SPI flash at %u:%u No SPI flash selected. Please run `sf probe' updateERROR: attempting %s past flash size (%#x) Failed to map physical memory Updating, %zu%% %lu B/sSPI flash failed in %s step %zu bytes written, %zu bytes skipped in %ld.%lds, speed %ld B/s SPI flash %s failed sfSPI flash sub-systemprobe [[bus:]cs] [hz] [mode] - init flash device on given SPI bus and chip select sf read addr offset len - read `len' bytes starting at `offset' to memory at `addr' sf write addr offset len - write `len' bytes from memory at `addr' to flash at `offset' sf erase offset [+]len - erase `len' bytes from `offset' `+len' round up `len' to block size sf update addr offset len - erase and write `len' bytes from memory at `addr' to flash at `offset'Bad magic number Bad header crc Bad data crc Bad image type Empty Script Wrong image format for "source" command ## Executing script at %08lx sourcerun script from memory-o-a-z-ntruedo nothing, successfullyfalsedo nothing, unsuccessfullyminimal test like /bin/sh[args..]See InterfaceAudioCommunicationHuman InterfacePrinterMass StorageHubCDC DataVendor specificHuman Interface, Subclass: NoneBoot KeyboardMouseMass Storage, RBC SFF-8020i (ATAPI)QIC-157 (Tape)UFISFF-8070Transp. SCSICommand/BulkCommand/Bulk/IntBulk only480 Mb/s1.5 Mb/s12 Mb/s+-%d %s (%s, %dmA) %s %s %s %s String: "%s"Self Powered Bus Powered Remote Wakeup InOut Configuration: %d - Interfaces: %d %s%s%dmA Interface: %d - Alternate Setting %d, Endpoints: %d - Class - - Endpoint %d %s ControlIsochronousInterrupt MaxPacket %d Interval %dmsusb%d: %s, USB Revision %x.%x - %s %s %s - Class: - Class: (from Interface) %s - PacketSize: %d Configurations: %d - Vendor: 0x%04x Product 0x%04x Version %d.%d (Re)start USB... stopstopping USB.. USB is stopped. Please issue 'usb start' first. treeUSB device tree: infconfig for device %d *** No device available *** stor no USB devices available no current device selected USB read: device %d block # %ld, count %ld ... %ld blocks read: %s USB write: device %d block # %ld, count %ld ... %ld blocks write: %s USB device %d: unknown device Device %d: ... is now current device usbbootboot from USB deviceloadAddr dev:partUSB sub-systemstart - start (scan) USB controller usb reset - reset (rescan) USB controller usb stop [f] - stop USB [f]=force stop usb tree - show USB device tree usb info [dev] - show available USB devices usb storage - show details of USB storage devices usb dev [dev] - show or set current USB storage device usb part [dev] - print partition table of one or all USB storage devices usb read addr blk# cnt - read `cnt' blocks starting at block `blk#' to memory address `addr' usb write addr blk# cnt - write `cnt' blocks starting at block `blk#' from memory address `addr' %s arm-altera-eabi-gcc (Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2015.05-11) 4.9.2 GNU ld (Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2015.05-11) print monitor, compiler and linker version## Copying part %d from legacy image at %08lx ... Must specify load address for %s command with compressed image Bad Image Part Invalid image type for imxtract Loading part %d ... Uncompressing part %d ... GUNZIP ERROR - image not loaded %8lxfileaddrimxtractextract a part of a multi-image%s - %s Usage: %s - No additional help available. %-*s- %s Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' without arguments for list of all known commands SOCFPGA_CYCLONE5 # Unknown command '%s' - try 'help' 'bootd' recursion detected stdinstdoutstderrIn: No input devices available! Out: No output devices available! Err: No error devices available! serial.callbacks:callbacks,.flags:flags,baudrate:baudrate,bootfile:bootfile,loadaddr:loadaddr,stdin:console,stdout:console,stderr:console,.callbacks*** Warning - %s, using default environment Using default environment env_common.c!bad CRCERROR: Cannot import environment: errno = %d at %s:%d/%s() !import failedethaddr:ma,## Warning: Unknown environment variable type '%c' ## Warning: Unknown environment variable access method '%c' .flags## Error: flags type check failure for "%s" <= "%s" (type: %c) ## Error: Can't delete "%s" ## Error: Can't overwrite "%s" oldval: %s defval: %s ## Error: Can't create "%s" No MMC card found MMC init failed env_mmc.cWriting to MMC(%d)... #address-cells#size-cells/chosenfdt_initrd: %s linux,initrd-startWARNING: could not set linux,initrd-start %s. linux,initrd-endWARNING: could not set linux,initrd-end %s. fdt_chosen: %s WARNING: could not create /chosen %s. WARNING: could not set bootargs %s. Unable to update property %s:%s, err=%s /memoryWARNING: could not create /memory: %s. device_typeWARNING: could not set %s %s. reg/aliasesethernet%deth%daddrlocal-mac-address%s: Bad cell count for %s rangeslinux,phandleCan't set phandle %u: %s okaydisabledfailfail-%dInvalid fdt status: %x Warning: device tree alias '%s' points to invalid node %s. Warning: device tree node '%s' has no address. Warning: U-Boot configured device %s at address %llx, but the device tree has it address %llx. Unknown hash algorithm '%s' syntax error ERROR : memory not allocated ** Abort *?[\ERROR: There is a global environment variable with the same name. %s: readonly variable%s=%sHUSH_NO_EVALUnknown command '%s' - try 'help' or use 'run' command IFS \$'";&|#;$&|exit not allowed from main input shell. HUSH_VERSION0.01showvarprint local hushshell variables - print values of all hushshell variables showvar name ... - print value of hushshell variable 'name'thenelifelsefiforwhileuntildoneERROR: - must RESET the board to recover. bootm_lowbootm_sizebootm_mapsize%d Bytes = Unknown OSUnknown ArchitectureUnknown ImageUnknown Compression%sImage Name: %.*s %sImage Type: %s %s %s (%s) %sData Size: %sLoad Address: %08x %sEntry Point: %08x %sContents: %s Image %d: %s Offset = 0x%08lx ## Loading init Ramdisk from Legacy Image at %08lx ... No Linux %s Ramdisk Image Wrong Ramdisk Image Format ## Loading init Ramdisk from multi component Legacy Image at %08lx ... initrd_highramdisk - allocation error Loading Ramdisk to %08lx, end %08lx ... reserving fdt memory region: addr=%llx size=%llx image is not a fdtfdt_highFailed using fdt_high value for Device Treedevice tree - allocation error Using Device Tree in place at %p, end %p Loading Device Tree to %p, end %p ... fdt move failed## Flattened Device Tree from Legacy Image at %08lx fdt header checksum invalidfdt checksum invaliduImage is not a fdtuImage is compresseduImage data is not a fdtfdt overwritten## Flattened Device Tree blob at %08lx ERROR: Did not find a cmdline Flattened Device Tree Booting using the fdt blob at 0x%p ## Flattened Device Tree from multi component Image at %08lX Booting using the fdt at 0x%p fdt size != image sizeuncompressedbzip2bzip2 compressedgzipgzip compressedlzmalzma compressedlzolzo compressedaisimageDavinci AIS imageFilesystem ImagefirmwareFirmwareflat_dtFlat Device TreekernelKernel Imagekernel_noloadKernel Image (no loading done)kwbimageKirkwood Boot ImageimximageFreescale i.MX Boot ImageInvalid ImagemultiMulti-File ImageomapimageTI OMAP SPL With GP CHpblimageFreescale PBL Boot ImageRAMDisk ImageScriptstandaloneStandalone ProgramublimageDavinci UBL imageInvalid OSlinuxLinuxnetbsdNetBSDoseEnea OSErtemsRTEMSu-bootU-BootInvalid ARCHalphaAlphaarmARMIntel x86ia64IA64m68kM68KmicroblazeMicroBlazemipsMIPSmips64MIPS 64 Bitnios2NIOS IIpowerpcPowerPCppcs390IBM S390SuperHsparcSPARCsparc64SPARC 64 BitblackfinBlackfinavr32AVR32nds32NDS32or1kOpenRISC 1000%.*s%*s ** Too many args (max. %d) ** bootdelayHit any key to stop autoboot: %2d %2d NULL device name! BUG: failure at %s:%d/%s()! miiphyutil.cBUG!miiphy_register: non unique device name '%s' miiphy_register: cannot allocate memory for '%s' mdio_register: non unique device name '%s' %s: %d - %s <--> %s No such device: %s %s is not a known ethernet MII devices: '%s' Current device: '%s' PHY extended status read failed, assuming no 1000BASE-X PHY 1000BT statusPHY speedPHY AN speed read failed, assuming 10BASE-T 1000BASE-X PHY AN duplexPHY duplex read failed, assuming half duplex failed to stop USB controller %d unable to get descriptor, error %lX config descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i) usb_get_configuration_no: failed to get descriptor - too long: %d selecting invalid interface %dERROR, too many USB Devices, max=%d usb_new_device:cannot locate device's port. Couldn't reset port %i USB device not accepting new address (error=%lX) unable to get device descriptor (error=%d) USB device descriptor short read (expected %i, got %i) usb_new_device: Cannot read configuration, skipping device %04x:%04x ERROR: NOT USB_CONFIG_DESC %x failed to set default configuration len %d, status %lX USB%d: scanning bus %d for devices... %d USB Device(s) found No USB Device found lowlevel init failed USB error: all controllers failed lowlevel init cannot reset port %i!? ERROR: USB_MAX_HUB (%d) reached Did not get interrupt on CBI cmd 0x%02X returned 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X (NOT READY) cmd 0x%02X returned 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X 0x%02X No storage devices, perhaps not 'usb start'ed..? USB Storage Transport unknown / not yet implemented Sorry, protocol %d not yet supported. error in inquiry Device NOT ready Request Sense returned %02X %02X %02X READ_CAP ERROR scanning usb for storage devices... max USB Storage Device reached: %d stopping %d Storage Device(s) found CksumxyzModem - %s mode, %d(SOH)/%d(STX)/%d(CAN) packets, %d retries Unknown errorBlock sequence errorCRC/checksum errorInvalid framingCancelledEnd of fileTimed outSorry, zModem not available yetCan't access file(%d:%d) Vendor: %s Prod.: %s Rev: %s Model: %s Firm: %s Ser#: %s Vendor: %s Rev: %s Prod: %s device type DOC device type unknown Unhandled device type: %i Type: Removable Hard DiskCD ROMOptical DeviceTape# %02X # Capacity: %ld.%ld MB = %ld.%ld GB (%ld x %ld) Capacity: not available Partition Map for IDESATAATAPIUSBDOCUNKNOWN device %d -- Partition Type: %s DOS## Unknown partition table ** Bad device specification %s %s ** ** Bad device %s %s ** bootdevice** No device specified ** auto** Bad partition specification %s %s ** ** Bad device size - %s %s ** ** No partition table - %s %s ** Whole Disk** Invalid partition %d ** ** No valid partitions found ** ** Invalid partition type "%.32s" (expect "U-Boot") FATFAT32 Extd Boot** Can't read partition table on %d:%d ** bad MBR sector signature 0x%02x%02x %3d %-10d %-10d %08x-%02x %02x%s%s hd%c%dsd%c%dusbd%c%ddocd%c%dxx%c%dPart Start Sector Num Sectors UUID Type DMAC halted! ERROR PL330: brst_size must 0-%d (not %li) ERROR PL330 : single_brst_size must 0-%d (not %li) ERROR PL330 : brst_len must 1-16 (not %li) ERROR PL330 : source address unaligned ERROR PL330 : destination address unaligned ERROR PL330 : Exceed buffer size ERROR PL330 : Detected the possibility of untransfereddata. Please ensure correct single burst size FAULT Mode: Channel %li Faulting, FTR = 0x%08x, CPC = 0x%08x %s: Null buffer. %s: Invalid device number %d %s: No support for %s. Xilinx devicesAltera Device Descriptor @ 0x%p Lattice devices%s: Invalid or unsupported device type %d %s: FPGA support not initialized! %s: Exceeded Max FPGA device count %s: NULL device descriptor %s: Unsupported FPGA type %d %s: No FPGA devices available. %s: NULL part size %s: Invalid Interface type, %d %s: Invalid family type, %d %s: NULL descriptor! %s: Invalid device descriptor %s: No support for ACEX1K devices. %s: Failed with error code %d %s: Unsupported family type, %d %s: Unsupported due to security reason, %d Family: ACEX1K CYCLON II Stratix II SoC FPGA Unknown family type, %d Interface type: Passive Serial (PS) Passive Parallel Synchronous (PPS) Passive Parallel Asynchronous (PPA) Passive Serial Asynchronous (PSA) JTAG Mode Fast Passive Parallel (FPP) Fast Passive Parallel with Security (FPPS) Unsupported interface type, %d Device Size: %d bytes Cookie: 0x%x (%d) Device Function Table @ 0x%p No Device Function Table. Timed out waiting for bus Timed out. i2c write Failed Status Error: 0x%08X Timeout waiting card ready MMC Device %d not found Caution! Your devices Erase group is 0x%x The erase range would be change to 0x%lx~0x%lx mmc erase failed MMC: block number 0x%lx exceeds max(0x%lx) mmc write failed mmc fail to send stop cmd Man %06x Snr %04x%04x%c%c%c%c%c%cMMC: no card present Card did not respond to voltage select! %s: %dDidn't get source clock value.. TIMEOUT error!! Timeout on data busy mmc calloc fail! dwmci_host calloc fail! ALTERA DWMMCU-Boot BUG at %s:%d! mtdcore.cRemoving MTD device #%d (%s) with use count %d Creating %d MTD partitions on "%s": memory allocation error while creating partitions for "%s" Moving partition %d: 0x%012llx -> 0x%012llx 0x%012llx-0x%012llx : "%s" mtd: partition "%s" is out of reach -- disabled mtd: partition "%s" extends beyond the end of device "%s" -- size truncated to %#llx mtdpart.cmtd: partition "%s" doesn't start on an erase block boundary -- force read-only mtd: partition "%s" doesn't end on an erase block -- force read-only SF: Failed to set up slave SF: Detected %s with page size , total SF: Unsupported manufacturer %02x S25FL008AS25FL016AS25FL032AS25FL064AS25FL128P_64KS25FL128P_256KS25FL032PS25FL129P_64KS25FL256SS25FL512SM25P10M25P16M25P20M25P32M25P40M25P64M25P80M25P128N25Q32N25Q32AN25Q64N25Q64AN25Q128N25Q128AN25Q256N25Q256AN25Q512N25Q512AN25Q00N25Q00ACPU not owner of tx frame timed out waiting for phy reset %x HALFFULLfailed to find phy TIMEOUT! done failed to configure phy: %d ENET Speed is %d Mbps - %s duplex connection mii%dFailed to allocate PHY device for %s:%d %s Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete TIMEOUT ! user interrupt! PHY reset timed out Could not get PHY for %s:%d %s:%d is connected to %s. Reconnecting to %s Generic PHYdisable_gigaMicrel ksz9021Micrel KSZ804Cannot find console ## Baudrate %d bps not supported ## Baudrate may not be deleted SF: Calibration failed (read) SF: Calibration failed (low range) SF: Read data capture delay calibrated to %i (%i - %i) QSPI: Error, command is empty. QSPI: Invalid bus or cs. Bus %d cs %d QSPI: Can't allocate struct cadence_qspi_slave. Bus %d cs %d QSPI: flash command execution timeout QSPI: QSPI is still busy after poll for %d times. QSPI: Invalid input arguments cmdlen %d rxlen %d QSPI: Invalid input arguments cmdlen %d txlen %d QSPI: No receive data after polling for %d times QSPI: indirect completion status error with reg 0x%08x QSPI: iInvalid input argument, len %d cmdbuf 0x%08x QSPI: SRAM fill level (0x%08x) not hit lower expected level (0x%08x)QSPI: timeout for indirect write scanning usb for ethernet devices... usbethmax USB Ethernet Device reached: %d stopping %d Ethernet Device(s) found Waiting for Ethernet connection... done. unable to connect. asxwarning: Wrong value for otg_cap parameter warning: otg_cap parameter must be 0, 1 or 2 error: %d invalid for otg_cap paremter. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for opt parameter warning: Wrong value for dma_enable warning: dma_desc_enable must be 0 or 1 error: %d invalid for dma_desc_enable paremter. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for dma enable error: %d invalid for dma_enable paremter. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for host_support_fs_low_power warning: host_support_fs_low_power must be 0 or 1 warning: Wrong value for enable_dynamic_fifo warning: enable_dynamic_fifo must be 0 or 1 error: %d invalid for enable_dynamic_fifo paremter. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for data_fifo_size warning: data_fifo_size must be 32-32768 error: %d invalid for data_fifo_size parameter. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for dev_rx_fifo_size warning: dev_rx_fifo_size must be 16-32768 warning: %d invalid for dev_rx_fifo_size parameter warning: Wrong value for dev_nperio_tx_fifo warning: dev_nperio_tx_fifo must be 16-32768 error: %d invalid for dev_nperio_tx_fifo_size. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for host_rx_fifo_size warning: host_rx_fifo_size must be 16-32768 error: %d invalid for host_rx_fifo_size. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for host_nperio_tx_fifo_size warning: host_nperio_tx_fifo_size must be 16-32768 error: %d invalid for host_nperio_tx_fifo_size. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for host_perio_tx_fifo_size warning: host_perio_tx_fifo_size must be 16-32768 error: %d invalid for host_perio_tx_fifo_size. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for max_transfer_size warning: max_transfer_size must be 2047-524288 error: %d invalid for max_transfer_size. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for max_packet_count warning: max_packet_count must be 15-511 error: %d invalid for max_packet_count. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for host_channels warning: host_channels must be 1-16 error: %d invalid for host_channels. Check HW configurations. warning: Wrong value for dev_endpoints warning: dev_endpoints must be 1-15 error: %d invalid for dev_endpoints. Check HW configurations. warning: Wrong value for phy_type warning: phy_type must be 0, 1 or 2 error: %d invalid for phy_type. Check HW configurations. warning: Wrong value for speed parameter warning: max_speed parameter must be 0 or 1 error: %d invalid for speed paremter. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for host_ls_low_power_phy_clk parameter warning: host_ls_low_power_phy_clk must be 0 or 1 error: %d invalid for host_ls_low_power_phy_clk. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for phy_ulpi_ddr warning: phy_upli_ddr must be 0 or 1 warning: Wrong valaue for phy_ulpi_ext_vbus warning: phy_ulpi_ext_vbus must be 0 or 1 warning: Wrong valaue for phy_utmi_width warning: phy_utmi_width must be 8 or 16 warning: Wrong valaue for ulpi_fs_ls warning: ulpi_fs_ls must be 0 or 1 warning: Wrong valaue for ts_dline warning: ts_dline must be 0 or 1 warning: Wrong valaue for i2c_enable warning: i2c_enable must be 0 or 1 error: %d invalid for i2c_enable. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for dev_perio_tx_fifo_size warning: dev_perio_tx_fifo_size must be 4-768 error: `%d' invalid for parameter `dev_perio_fifo_size_%d'. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong valaue for en_multiple_tx_fifo, warning: en_multiple_tx_fifo must be 0 or 1 error: %d invalid for parameter en_multiple_tx_fifo. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for dev_tx_fifo_size warning: dev_tx_fifo_size must be 4-768 error: `%d' invalid for parameter `dev_tx_fifo_size_%d'. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for thr_ctl warning: thr_ctl must be 0-7 error: %d invalid for parameter thr_ctl. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong value for lpm_enable warning: lpm_enable must be 0 or 1 error: %d invalid for parameter lpm_enable. Check HW configuration. warning: Wrong valaue for tx_thr_length warning: tx_thr_length must be 8 - 128 warning: Wrong valaue for rx_thr_length warning: rx_thr_length must be 8 - 128 warning: `%d' invalid for parameter `dma_burst_size' warning: `%d' invalid for parameter `pti_enable' error: %d invalid for parameter pti_enable. Check HW configuration. warning: `%d' invalid for parameter `mpi_enable' error: %d invalid for parameter mpi_enable. Check HW configuration. warning: `%d' invalid for parameter `ic_usb_cap' warning: ic_usb_cap must be 0 or 1 error: %d invalid for parameter ic_usb_cap. Check HW configuration. warning: `%d' invalid for parameter `ahb_thr_ratio' warning: ahb_thr_ratio must be 0 - 3 error: %d invalid for parameter ahb_thr_ratio. Chack HW configuration. Core Release: %x.%x%x%x %s() HANG! GRSTCTL=%0x GNPTXSTS=0x%08x %s() HANG! GRSTCTL=%0x Host can't operate in Descriptor DMA mode. Either core version is below 2.90a or GHWCFG2, GHWCFG4 registers' values do not allow Descriptor DMA in host mode. To run the driver in Buffer DMA host mode set dma_desc_enable module parameter to 0. %s: Unable to clear halt on channel %d (timeout HCCHAR 0x%X @%p) %s() HANG! AHB Idle GRSTCTL=%0x %s() HANG! Soft Reset GRSTCTL=%0x DWC OTG: hang at line %d: %08x Error condition at line %d: AHBERR STALL NAK ACK NYET XACTERR DATATGLERRSNPSID is invalid (not DWC OTG device): %08x submit_bulk_msg: %d is more then available buffer size(%d) DWC OTG: Channel halted Root-Hub submit IRQ: NOT implementedunsupported root hub command submit_control_msg: %d is more then available buffer size(%d) dev = %p pipe = %#lx buf = %p size = %d int = %d ** Can not find directory. ** Extent Error ** SI ext2fs read block (indir 1)malloc failed. ** ** SI ext2fs read block (indir 1):malloc failed. ** ** SI ext2fs read block (indir 1)failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)malloc failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)malloc failed. ** ** DI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)malloc failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 1)failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)malloc failed. ** ** TI ext2fs read block (indir 2 2)failed. ** invalid extent block < ? > %10d %s Failed to mount ext2 filesystem... %s read outside partition %d ** Invalid Block Device Descriptor (NULL) ** ext2fs_devread() read error ** ** %s read error - block * %s read error - last part error: overflow occurs FAT: Misaligned buffer address (%p) FAT32 FAT12 FAT16 Invalid FAT entry error: wrinting directory entry Error: reading directory block Error: %ld overflow Error: writing contents Error: flush fat buffer Error: writing directory entry Error: finding empty cluster Error: clearing FAT entries U** Partition %d not valid on device %d ** Error: FAT sector size mismatch (fs=%hu, dev=%lu) %s%c %8ld %s%c %d file(s), %d dir(s) Error reading cluster No current device Interface: Unknown Device %d: No valid FAT fs found Filesystem: %s "%s" reading %s writing %s Can't list files without a filesystem! %s/%sCan't load file without a filesystem! ** Unrecognized filesystem type ** ** Unable to read file %s ** ** Cannot support non-zero offset ** ** File not found %s ** bootfile** No boot file defined ** %d bytes read in %lu ms (0x%xcompatibleFDT_ERR_NOTFOUNDFDT_ERR_EXISTSFDT_ERR_NOSPACEFDT_ERR_BADOFFSETFDT_ERR_BADPATHFDT_ERR_BADSTATEFDT_ERR_TRUNCATEDFDT_ERR_BADMAGICFDT_ERR_BADVERSIONFDT_ERR_BADSTRUCTUREFDT_ERR_BADLAYOUT%llu Bytes%s%lu.%ld %ciB%s %0*x %s 1.2.3Error: inflateInit2() returned %d Error: inflate() returned %d Error: Bad gzipped data Error: gunzip out of data in header Env export buffer too small: %zu, but need %zu himport_r: can't insert "%s=%s" into hash table WARNING: '%s' neither in running nor in imported env! WARNING: '%s' not in imported env, deleting it! ERROR: Failed to allocate 0x%lx bytes below 0x%lx. .%03ld%s:%u: %s: Assertion `%s' failed.invalid distance too far backinvalid distance codeinvalid literal/length codeincorrect header checkunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeunknown header flags setheader crc mismatchinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthstoo many length or distance symbolsinvalid code lengths setinvalid bit length repeatinvalid literal/lengths setinvalid distances setincorrect data checkincorrect length checkneed dictionarystream endfile errorstream errordata errorinsufficient memorybuffer errorincompatible version## Warning: gatewayip needed but not set ARP Retry count exceeded; starting again bad length %d < %d *** WARNING: %s is too long (%d - max: %d) - truncated Host NameRoot PathOpt Boot File*** WARNING: using vendor optional boot file *** Unhandled DHCP Option in OFFER/ACK: %d DHCP client bound to address %pI4 DHCP: INVALID STATE BOOTP broadcast %d Retry count exceeded; starting again ethact%pM%s%daddr%saddreth.ceth%dmacskipethmacskip Warning: %s MAC addresses don't match: Address in SROM is %pM Address in environment is %pM Warning: %s using MAC address from net device Board Net Initialization Failed CPU Net Initialization Failed Net Initialization Skipped ethprime [PRIME] Warning: eth device name has a space! Warning: failed to set MAC address ethrotateunknownautoloadNFSnetretryonce ICMP Host Redirect to %pI4 %d.%d.%d.%dnvlan*** ERROR: ping address not given *** ERROR: `serverip' not set *** ERROR: `ipaddr' not set *** ERROR: No ethernet found. *** ERROR: `ethaddr' not set *** ERROR: `eth%daddr' not set Abort Bytes transferred = %ld (%lx hex) *** ERROR: Cannot mount *** ERROR: Cannot umount done *** ERROR: File lookup fail *** ERROR: Symlink fail T /nfsroot/%02X%02X%02X%02X.img*** Warning: no boot file name; using '%s' Using %s device File transfer via NFS from server %pI4; our IP address is %pI4; sending through gateway %pI4 Filename '%s/%s'. Size is 0x%x Bytes = Load address: 0x%lx Loading: *octetblksize%c%d%cFile too largeFile has bad magicblksize TFTP error: First block is not block 1 (%ld) Starting again TFTP error: '%s' (%d) Not retrying... %s; starting again Retry count exceededtftpblocksizetftptimeoutTFTP timeout (%ld ms) too low, set minimum = 1000 ms TFTP %s server %pI4; our IP address is %pI4fromFilename '%s'.Load address: 0x%lx BOARD : Altera SOCFPGA Cyclone V Board Skipped ethaddr assignment due to invalid EMAC address in EEPROM setenv_ethaddr_eepromConfiguring PHY skew timing for %s micrel-ksz9021-data-skewmicrel-ksz9021-clk-skewraise: Signal # %d caught   =A/\mA/E= e=nDnLnTn Xn@f[addr [initrd[:size]] [fdt]] - boot Linux zImage stored in memory The argument 'initrd' is optional and specifies the address of the initrd in memory. The optional argument ':size' allows specifying the size of RAW initrd. When booting a Linux kernel which requires a flat device-tree a third argument is required which is the address of the device-tree blob. To boot that kernel without an initrd image, use a '-' for the second argument. If you do not pass a third a bd_info struct will be passed instead [addr [arg ...]] - boot application image stored in memory passing arguments 'arg ...'; when booting a Linux kernel, 'arg' can be the address of an initrd image When booting a Linux kernel which requires a flat device-tree a third argument is required which is the address of the device-tree blob. To boot that kernel without an initrd image, use a '-' for the second argument. If you do not pass a third a bd_info struct will be passed instead Sub-commands to do part of the bootm sequence. The sub-commands must be issued in the order below (it's ok to not issue all sub-commands): start [addr [arg ...]] loados - load OS image fdt - relocate flat device tree cmdline - OS specific command line processing/setup bdt - OS specific bd_t processing prep - OS specific prep before relocation or go go - start OS/ addr [] - Set the fdt location to fdt move - Copy the fdt to and make it active fdt resize - Resize fdt to size + padding to 4k addr fdt print [] - Recursive print starting at fdt list [] - Print one level starting at fdt get value - Get and store in fdt get name - Get name of node and store in fdt get addr - Get start address of and store in fdt get size [] - Get size of [] or num nodes and store in fdt set [] - Set [to ] fdt mknode - Create a new node after fdt rm [] - Delete the node or fdt header - Display header info fdt bootcpu - Set boot cpuid fdt memory - Add/Update memory node fdt rsvmem print - Show current mem reserves fdt rsvmem add - Add a mem reserve fdt rsvmem delete - Delete a mem reserves fdt chosen [ ] - Add/update the /chosen branch in the tree / - initrd start/end addr NOTE: Dereference aliases by omiting the leading '/', e.g. fdt print ethernet0.~@~A$hi?~C~ >~C~?~>qAAf=GCcrc32 chip address[.0, .1, .2] count - compute CRC32 checksum i2c loop chip address[.0, .1, .2] [# of objects] - looping read of device i2c md chip address[.0, .1, .2] [# of objects] - read from I2C device i2c mm chip address[.0, .1, .2] - write to I2C device (auto-incrementing) i2c mw chip address[.0, .1, .2] value [count] - write to I2C device (fill) i2c nm chip address[.0, .1, .2] - write to I2C device (constant address) i2c probe [address] - test for and show device(s) on the I2C bus i2c read chip address[.0, .1, .2] length memaddress - read to memory i2c write memaddress chip address[.0, .1, .2] length - write memory to i2c i2c reset - re-init the I2C Controller i2c speed [speed] - show or set I2C bus speed@ - list partition table mtdparts delall - delete all partitions mtdparts del part-id - delete partition (e.g. part-id = nand0,1) mtdparts add [@] [] [ro] - add partition mtdparts default - reset partition table to defaults ----- this command uses three environment variables: 'partition' - keeps current partition identifier partition := := ,part_num 'mtdids' - linux kernel mtd device id <-> u-boot device id mapping mtdids=[,,...] := = := 'nand'|'nor'|'onenand' := mtd device number, 0... := unique device tag used by linux kernel to find mtd device (mtd->name) 'mtdparts' - partition list mtdparts=mtdparts=[;...] := :[,...] := unique device tag used by linux kernel to find mtd device (mtd->name) := [@][][] := standard linux memsize OR '-' to denote all remaining space := partition start offset within the device := '(' NAME ')' := when set to 'ro' makes partition read-only (not used, passed to kernel)Exu!)}&Uz--w4v:u zdefault [-f] -a - [forcibly] reset default environment env default [-f] var [...] - [forcibly] reset variable(s) to their default values env delete [-f] var [...] - [forcibly] delete variable(s) env edit name - edit environment variable env export [-t | -b | -c] [-s size] addr [var ...] - export environment env import [-d] [-t | -b | -c] addr [size] - import environment env print [-a | name ...] - print environment env run var [...] - run commands in an environment variable env save - save environment env set [-f] name [arg ...] [addr] - run script starting at addr - A valid image header must be presentaddr part [dest] - extract from legacy image at and copy to ++++,, , ,,,,,$,$,,,,,4,4,<,<,D,D,L,L,T,T,\,\,d,d,l,l,t,t,|,|,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-- - -----$-$-,-,-4-4-<-<-D-D-L-L-T-T-\-\-d-d-l-l-t-t-|-|---------------------------------.. . .....$.$.,.,.4.4.<.<.D.D.L.L.T.T.\.\.d.d.l.l.t.t.|.|.................................// / /////$/$/,/,/4/4/? 789-456+1230. 13457890=    ;'~ <>?789-456+1230. %sVWS11M"sVWS>"YYSeserial0)^_M__^_eserial5^_k__^1_eserial4w^_e__^+_eserial3e^____^%_eserial2S^_Y__^_eserial1A^_S__^_  @    DWC OTG RootHub/ t9Qybf%!if9#mm#mn(n5u|l+lIaoPhSnm,nR͇~yPAu|B.Ko`o)}СICv,)o.oo!/oop/pp8>rW/rrs5/ss;sI/pAsq/r&rM2zcz;{{f"fg }m=%}E}~=~x lM$lm+0mE6[zHAqAHwـH~Q.M$hcR9N2V~YV[FP[TcL^Te+o,X#eT ~aQNGuR|~]V%FMuB v0Iۈm=}ffI?uGg zXrI}Ƣe~h}DeLl[&QD+Ysۜ;u|U ]rlOa]9iXoٴea9`dhlptx`LPT             d h l p t x       (04t@HLT\`dlt|8`h|PTX\`dt@DHLPTDH, 8Ph !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""X"\"""## ####0#T#|#@$D$H$$d%h%l%p%t%x%'''''''''''''''''''*+++ +++++ +$+(+,+0+4+8+<+|+++++`,d,h,,,,,,p.t.x.|...//D0H0L0011 1111111222 22222@2D2H25555 5$5(5,5054585<5@5,7074787<7@7D7H7L7888888888888888888888888888@;D;H;L;P;T;X;\;`;d;h;l;p;t;x;|;;;;;;;;; =$=(=,=0=4=8=<=@=D=H=L=P=T=h==> ?`?d?t@x@|@@@@@@4A8A<>@>BtBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEEEFFFFFFF KKKKK KLLLLMMMMMNPRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSTTWWWWWXYYYLZZ[[[[ \\]]]]$^^^H_|____(`D`PaTaXa\aabb(c4cccefggghhhiiiijjj jjmmmmntpxp|pppppplqpqtqqqrr\r`rrrrrrPsTsXsssstttttxt|tttt@uDuHuuuu4v8v