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LAB 1 Creating the Preloader

Generating the Preloader with BSP Editor GUI

Anytime an SoC design is generated with Qsys and compiled in Quartus an "hps_isw_handoff" folder will be generated. This folder contains configuration information which is needed by the Preloader to configure clocks, IO, and the SDRAM controller. For this lab the handoff folder has already been created for you so you do not have to run Quartus.

To begin, make sure that you have the environment provided by the Embedded Command Shell which is delivered in the SoC EDS tools installation. There are a number of ways that you might get this environment applied to your development host, one way is to simply execute the "embedded_command_shell.sh" shell script that is provided in the SoC EDS tools, like this:

On Linux:
[~]$ <path-to-soceds-tools>/embedded/embedded_command_shell.sh

Then from the embedded command shell, change into the "WS2-IntroToLinux" directory that you should have previously copied onto the local hard drive of your development host.
[~]$ cd <path-to-lab-work>/WS2-IntroToLinux

Before we start the BSP Editor (Preloader Generator) program, we need to collect one piece of information about the development board that we are using for this lab work. Some of the development boards have SDRAM with ECC storage provided and some of the development boards do not. We need to set the option in the BSP Editor based on if we have ECC storage on our board or not. If you know how your board is equipped then you can proceed, if you are not sure, then execute this command in the embedded command shell to find out:
[WS2-IntroToLinux]$ grep "RW_MGR_MEM_DATA_WIDTH" ./hps_isw_handoff/soc_system_hps_0/sequencer_defines.h
The value of the "RW_MGR_MEM_DATA_WIDTH" macro displayed above is going to equal 8, 16, 24, 32 or 40. If your macro for your board is set to 24 or 40, then your board supports ECC storage, and you will need to enable SDRAM scrubbing in the BSP Editor. If your macro for your board is set to 8, 16, or 32, then your board does not support ECC storage, and you will need to disable SDRAM scrubbing in the BSP Editor.

Now start the BSP Editor (Preloader Generator) program from the embedded command shell:
[WS2-IntroToLinux]$ bsp-editor &

You should see the BSP Editor GUI appear like this:
NOTE: the following images are taken from the SoC EDS 15.0.1 tools, previous tool releases may look slightly different.

ws1 bsp q15 1.png

In the BSP Editor window, select File→New HPS BSP... to create a new BSP project for your board's Preloader.
NOTE: prior to the 15.0 tools release, this menu was just named New BSP

ws1 bsp q15 2.png

In the New BSP window, click the ... browse button to browse to the handoff files folder:

ws1 bsp q15 3.png

Select the "/WS2-IntroToLinux/hps_isw_handoff/soc_system_hps_0" folder and Click Open:

ws2 bsp q15 4.png

The New BSP window will have all the settings populated, based on the handoff folder. Accept the default settings and click OK. This will close the window.

ws2 bsp q15 5.png

In the BSP Editor window, we want to accept most of the defaults settings. If your development board supports ECC SDRAM storage you should select the SDRAM scrubbing option shown below, otherwise leave it unselected.

ws2 bsp q15 6.png

The Preloader can load the next stage boot image from either an absolute raw address in the boot device or from a FAT partition in an SDMMC device. For this lab, you will configure the Preloader to load u-boot from a FAT partition which is partition 1 on the SD Card. Under "Settings", expand "Common" and "spl", then select "boot". In the "spl.boot" view, check the box labeled "FAT_SUPPORT". Ensure that "FAT_BOOT_PARTITION" is set to 1 and "FAT_LOAD_PAYLOAD_NAME" is set to "u-boot.img". These should be the default settings.


Now click the Generate button to generate your BSP for your Preloader.

ws2 bsp q15 7.png

The message panel on the bottom will indicate the status of the generation. Click Exit to close the BSP Editor.

ws1 bsp q15 8.png

The following items are generated in the "/WS2-IntroToLinux/software/spl_bsp/" folder
File Description
generated Folder containing source code that was generated based on the information from the handoff folder
settings.bsp Preloader settings file, that contains the settings from the Preloader Generator
Makefile Makefile used to build the Preloader
preloader.ds ARM DS-5 AE that can be used to load the Preloader

Compiling the Preloader

In the Embedded Command Shell go to the generated Preloader folder:
[WS2-IntroToLinux]$ cd software/spl_bsp/
[spl_bsp]$ ls
generated  Makefile  preloader.ds  settings.bsp  uboot.ds

Run the "make" command to build the Preloader image:
[spl_bsp]$ make
The Makefile (also created by the Preloader Generator) performs the following steps:
  1. Extracts the fixed part of the Preloader source code
  2. Builds the Preloader executable using the fixed and the generated parts of the Preloader source code
  3. Converts the executable to binary, then adds the boot ROM required header to it
The following files are built in the "/WS2-IntroToLinux/software/spl_bsp/" folder:
File Description
uboot-socfpga/spl/u-boot-spl Preloader ELF file
uboot-socfpga/spl/u-boot-spl.bin Preloader binary file
preloader-mkpimage.bin Preloader image with the boot ROM required header
You can see these by listing the directory:
[spl_bsp]$ ls
generated  preloader.ds            settings.bsp  uboot-socfpga
Makefile   preloader-mkpimage.bin  uboot.ds

Installing the new Preloader

Using the "dd" method.

We need to know with which block device our SD card is referenced on our host. This was determined when you programmed the SD card in preparation for the lab. If you did not note the SD Card block device name, refer to the instructions on the SoC SW Workshop Series SD Card Images page.

Once we know which block device we want to program, we need to determine which partition we need to program. The partition that stores the preloader is the 0xA2 partition on the SD card, we can determine which partition that is by running "fdisK" like this:

[spl_bsp]$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb

Disk /dev/sdb: 3.7 GiB, 3980394496 bytes, 7774208 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x06bfaed7

Device     Boot  Start     End Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/sdb1         4096  528383  524288  256M  b W95 FAT32
/dev/sdb2       528384 1048575  520192  254M 83 Linux
/dev/sdb3         2048    4095    2048    1M a2 unknown

Partition table entries are not in disk order.

From the above command we see that the 0xA2 partition is associated with "/dev/sdb3", so that is the partition that we will "dd" the new preloader into. If, on your host, the SD card appears as an MMC device, such as mmcblk0, the partitions will appear as mmcblk0p1, mmcblk0p2, etc. The SD Card image used for this lab will have the A2 partition on partition 3. Replace XXX with the path to the A2 partition (example: /dev/sdb3 or /dev/mmcblk0p3.) CAUTION: be absolutely certain that you have the correct device, as "dd" to the wrong device can destroy your host system.

[spl_bsp]$ sudo dd if=preloader-mkpimage.bin of=/dev/XXX3
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
262144 bytes (262 kB) copied, 0.238997 s, 1.1 MB/s

After we have programmed the new preloader onto our SD card we can run "sync" to ensure that all the IO is complete and then we can remove the SD card from our development host machine.

[spl_bsp]$ sync

Using the "alt-boot-disk-util" method.

If you are uncomfortable using the "dd" command to program the new Preloader as shown above, or if you would like a safer mechanism to accomplish this, Altera provides a utility called "alt-boot-disk-util" in the SoC EDS tools installation that attempts to provide this functionality for you. So if you follow the procedure above to determine the block device that your SD card is represented with on your development host, you can use "alt-boot-disk-util" to program your new Preloader. "alt-boot-disk-util" will inspect the device that you pass to it to ensure that it appears to be the block device with a 0xA2 partition on it and then program the new Preloader image into the proper location. You invoke it like this:

[spl_bsp]$ sudo <path-to-soceds-installation>/host_tools/altera/diskutils/alt-boot-disk-util -p preloader-mkpimage.bin -a write /dev/XXXp3
Altera Boot Disk Utility
Copyright (C) 1991-2014 Altera Corporation

Altera Boot Disk Utility was successful.

Using the "alt-boot-disk-util" method on Windows.

The "alt-boot-disk-util" utility is also included as part of the Altera SoCEDS and ARM Development Studio install on Windows. To run on Windows, start the Embedded Command Shell, and replace the 'X' below with the drive letter of the SD card on the Computer. The drive letter should be capitalized.

alt-boot-disk-util -p preloader-mkpimage.bin -a write -d X

Running the new Preloader.

To run the new preloader on your development target.
  1. Plug the SD card you just programmed with the new Preloader into the development target board.
  2. Connect the development target board to your development host machine with the USB serial cable.
  3. Start an appropriate terminal emulation program on your development host. See the "USB serial console interface" page for advice on this.
  4. Power on your development target board.
  5. You may need to reset the board to see the preloader messages in the terminal emulator.

Your board should boot into and cycle through the Preloader four times. The preloader should report an error loading the u-boot image. This is expected and the correct operation.

In this lab, we configured the Preloader to load a u-boot image (u-boot.img) from the top-level of the SD card FAT partition. The SD card used for the workshop is configured to have a different u-boot image for each board located on the SD card FAT partition, in the individual folder for each board. Therefore, the preloader you generated will hang, causing a WDT reset and a loading of the next preloader. To learn more about the HPS boot process, please refer to the HPS Technical Reference Manual for the device you are using.

In the next lab in this Workshop, you will build the u-boot image which your Preloader can successfully load.

It is expected that the board will cycle through the Preloader 4 times. When the Preloader completes, it attempts to load the next stage boot loader from the boot device. If it does not find the image it expects, the Preloader will hang until the watchdog time resets the HPS. On reset, the boot ROM will detect that a watchdog timeout occurred and attempt to load the next copy of the preloader. It will cycle through all 4 copied of the preloader programmed into the A2 partition.

If the updated SD card boots into u-boot and Linux or if the board does not boot, you did not program the Preloader correctly onto the SD card.

Proceed to Workshop 2 Lab 2: U-Boot >>>>>>>>>>

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